Why use JIWEI E1 Class green building materials

Formaldehyde has been identified by the World Health Organization as a class 1 carcinogen and teratogenic substance, and it is also a source of artificial allergens, becoming one of the common sources of indoor air pollution

In fact, many substances in life contain formaldehyde. For example, inferior tableware, clothes, furniture, paint, etc. will have formaldehyde.


The release period can be as long as 3-15 years, and it has a stimulating effect on human eyes and nose.

So when it comes to formaldehyde, especially pregnant women and children at home, they are very afraid of formaldehyde.

Because studies have reported that long-term exposure to formaldehyde-containing environments has a great impact on the growth of  fetuses and childs during pregnancy,


For adults, it will cause related diseases such as skin and mucous membranes, so the promotion of formaldehyde-free environment can greatly reduce the harm to the human body.

Formaldehyde is mainly used in the production of industrial resins and resins for the textile industry. It is also a key material for automobile manufacturing. Building and decoration materials are used as permanent adhesives.

A 40% volume formaldehyde solution in water is called 100% Formalin. It can kill most bacteria and fungi. Its aqueous solution can be used as a disinfectant.


Therefore, common wooden furniture, plywood and wood core boards will be used to prevent insects, so as not to reduce the useful life of the board due to insects.


According to the instructions of the Taiwan Construction Center


Healthy green building materials means "the building materials are characterized by low toxicity and low harm of health risk."

We use the "Healthy Green Building Materials Mark" classification system to explain the escape classification and escape rate, which are mainly divided into three grades: E1, E2, and E3.

The common E2 CLASS on the market, the formaldehyde emission rate is 0.005 <formaldehyde 0.02 (mg / m²‧hr)


The grade of PP calcium silicate board is the highest E1 CLASS of healthy green building materials, and the escape rate of formaldehyde is 0.005 (mg / m²‧hr)

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Of course, in addition to the decoration materials used in green building materials

The most important thing is to maintain ventilation to remove formaldehyde and TVOC from the air

After the renovation is completed, let the indoor air circulate before moving in.

And other paints, woodwork, etc. must of course be selected with the same standards


Don't just pursue low prices ignorantly, neglecting your own health.